Monday, November 28, 2011

Cyber Monday Special !!!!!

Anyone who purchases or refers a new customer to me by the end of the month will be entered into a drawing for a travel size body butter and scrub! 

Here is the CYBER SPECIAL - please EMAIL ME OR CALL with your order! Rebekah 206-850-3367 or

$50 + in orders receive FREE shipping, a choice of gift with purchase (see below), and 10% off your purchase!

$100 + in orders receive FREE shipping, a choice of gift with purchase (see below), and 20% off your purchase!

FREE for guests who purchase between $50 or $100 in retail product!
$50.00 - customer can choose a 1oz Sugar Cane & Honey Pedi Balm or a full size

White Lilly & Sage Refreshing Foot Spritz.
$100.00 - choose a Pedi Balm and a Foot Spritz or two of the same product!

Sugar Cane & Honey Pedi Balm
• mango & shea butter moisturize
• hemp seed, jojoba oil, honey & sugar cane smooth and soften
• paraben free

White Lily & Sage Refreshing Foot Spritz
• 100% Natural
• cooling menthol, calming propolis & sage
• cleansing thyme & white lily
• paraben free

I am also having a contest on my facebook fan page! Trying to get to 200 likes by the end of today! If you go there and "like" the page your name will be entered into a drawing for a free body butter once we hit 200 - so share, share, share!! a drawing for a free body butter