Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Friend

So there is something to be said about being transparent. If you listen to people's stories - we will find more in common than those differences. I met a really neat gal today at Starbucks - there was no inside seating - and she had the cutest baby with her - and a dog that was darling too. She is an oncology nurse, and so we connected. Are our meeting by chance encounters? I highly doubt it!

This week I am being intentional about two things...... making real friends, and sharing about women of faith events! The second is a product close to my heart because of it's health reasons - Pink Papaya - 100% made in the USA botanical and natural spa products. They are so yummy!

Now about getting serious about being intentional - do you think I had ONE business card on me as I roamed the malls today - NOPE - but I will stay up tonight - making stickers for catalogs - just so I can hand some out.

Thanks to Vista Print for their great service - I just had to get to Kirkland to see my babies!

Shine Pink - Diva's!


it's the think about being average - ordinary - really there is just nothing too exciting except for the outcome based on blessings. I have often in my life really made some poor decision - but I am still here.....still pressing on - our life is just a moment in time (oh I sound like a song)

do you ever wonder if your heart will ever catch up with your idea of love? or is it the other way around? will my head ever slow down enough to really LOVE those around me.....
work in progress - not such a bad thing.....

so many idea's.....I have to write.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It is Wednesday and I haven't adventured outdoors yet today since I made an "epic" journey across snoqualime pass around 1:30 AM. There have a bunch of new lighted posts since they are doing construction - and with the wind I could just imagine them as runners - swooshing past me!

It is RAINING here - not our normal coastal rain - but windy rain - which doesn't suite me too well since I just got my hair cut and it is much better straight than curly - what was I thinking?

So it is off to Lovely Nails with my daughter Marlee - she is a senior - and times flies. Will give you an update of Shine Diva around town soon!

Shine! R

March......It's almost over!

how exciting that i am just starting a blog - and skip about a month! HUMAN! Ordinary - and I am just okay with that! We are all just peeps! have a great day!